Over 46 years of Treating and Maintaining Lawns
Turfed Lawn
Turfed Lawn
Lawn Specialist is a leading supplier of consistently high quality turf for sports, amenity and landscaping.
Based in Lincolnshire, our suppliers grow more than 1,300 acres of turf on some of the coarsest, free-draining sand rootzone in the UK.
They have a reputation for supplying premium quality turf and outstanding levels of customer service.
To achieve this, they have a dedicated staff team with many years of experience in turf production. They also invest continually in the latest machinery and turf technology to ensure their turf is grown, maintained and harvested to the highest possible standards.
They are members of Turf Producers International and the Turfgrass Growers’ Association, supplying TGA certified turf grown to its stringent criteria.
The Lawn Specialist recommend the best quality lawn turf is used for Turfed Lawns and will advise you of different lawn turf qualities. Our expert knowledge of Turfing a lawn also ensures the turf we lay down is suitable for your requirements.
Family lawn, Formal lawn, or just a good old playing lawn, the turf that suits your needs the best will be the turf that’s used.
Shaded areas and drought areas of the Lawn are common problems we come across as well water problems, such water logging or poor drainage.
The Lawn Specialist guarantees to provide you with a new lawn that not only suits your requirements, but also supply the type of turf that will cope with these problems.
If you are considering a Formal lawn, it is important to understand the need for continual maintenance, which can be a considerable amount of work and money, but we are quite happy to advise prior to making a decision.
Once you have made your decision on the type of Lawn Turf you want, we will make sure the order for turf is in ample time prior to the time it is about to be laid. Two reasons for this is that there is a massive demand for Turfed Lawns at particular times through the year and suppliers run out of yardage.
Secondly, it is crucial that the turf has been field farmed no more than a couple of days prior to laying the Turf down. Should you not need a fully Turfed Lawn, we do have a reseeding service.
We try and match the seed to your lawn as close as possible in all cases, but please remember that seeding takes quite a while longer to come through due to germination and establishing itself.
Of course, weather conditions have a big part to play in both Turfing & Seeding. It is essential you are happy to water the turfed or seeded area to specification during the establishment process.